14' Ceiba Oar Rig
A super fun boat!
Ceiba’s 14’ Self-Bailing rafts can be utilized as an extremely maneuverable oar boat, or as a fun and group participatory paddle boat. Ideal for Colorado, San Juan, or Salt River trips, these boats are very popular. Ceiba’s 14’ self-bailingNRS raft is the multi-tool of boating. This ultra tough 14’er is great as a row rig with 9.5 oars, and can be easily set up for any multi-day expedition.
14' Full Oar Rig Rental: Grand Canyon: $50.00 per day | Other rivers: $125.00 for 1st day; $50.00 for each additional day
Paddle Boat / Boat Only: Grand Canyon: $40.00 per day | Other rivers: $100.00 for 1st day; $40.00 for each additional day
The Full Row Rig comes with everything listed below, which includes 2-25 mm boxes. Additional food boxes are not included; please let us know if these will be needed.
14 foot full oar rig includes:
4- 10’ oars with your choice of Wooden Smokers, Fiberglass Sawyers, or Aluminum Carlisles
Aluminum main frame with pre-rigged straps and drop bag
Aluminum floor
Rear mesh floor
Aluminum folding table
2 boxes – 25 mm
Cooler and cover- 120qt
Three Oar locks & towers w/ “woody allen”
4" Barrel Pump in a storage bag
Bail bucket
Bow and stern line
Rig bag with:
15 x 1″ rigging straps (2' to 10' lengths)
Sand anchor and hammer
Throw bag
Drag bag
Throw cushion
Repair kit in a 50 cal box
* 20 mm ammo cans are available at additional cost.
Optional Items:​
Flip Lines - mini-throw bag style or belly band style
The front hatch can hold up to 4 x 20 mil cans.
Floor board with two 25mm boxes, with your foot well in the center.
Several different packing configurations are possible within the front hatch!
Folding aluminum table is strapped to the top of the front hatch while on the water.