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How did we do?

Please answer all of the following on a scale of 1 star (poor) to 5 star (outstanding). Feel free to add additional comments in the fillable boxes.


How well did the Ceiba Office Staff field your initial questions and deal with all your pre-trip requests?How well did the Ceiba Office Staff field your initial questions and deal with all your pre-trip requests?
Was the Ceiba Trip Leader Packet helpful in your pre-trip planning?Was the Ceiba Trip Leader Packet helpful in your pre-trip planning?
How were the logistics with the equipment and Ceiba staff on your rig day?How were the logistics with the equipment and Ceiba staff on your rig day?


How did the menu & food pack work out on the river?How did the menu & food pack work out on the river?
How was Ceiba's equipment on the river?How was Ceiba's equipment on the river?


How were the logistics with the equipment and Ceiba staff on your take out day?How were the logistics with the equipment and Ceiba staff on your take out day?
How was the follow up from the Ceiba team after your take out & de-rig were completed?How was the follow up from the Ceiba team after your take out & de-rig were completed?


Overall, how would you rate your experience with Ceiba Adventures?Overall, how would you rate your experience with Ceiba Adventures?
Would you recommend us to your friends?

Thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback. We look forward to helping you on your next trip!

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